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Lesson Plan Outline

How to use Dawn Sommers Fashion Studio. This website houses all of the tutorials I have created and now use this outline to help you plan for yourself or your classes. Each unit is broken down into the number of approximate days for each project. The total number of days will, of course, depend on the number and level of students involved. Currently, the outline is set up for 33ish days or 8 to 9 weeks of class. These lessons will be a great addition to what you already have set up for your classes. The tutorials were created with such detail, you can use them to replace what you are already using. Keep Imagining...Learning...and Creating!!


How to use Dawn Sommers Fashion Studio

Order of Tutorials and Information - All information for the number of days listed are set up for a class period. The amount of time needed depends on how much time you have to devote to it during a session and the level of sewers you have. The order is set up to build and practices new techniques and skills as you work through the tutorials.

Entry-Level - Getting to know your sewing machines (All tutorials located under Construction Level category) (4 days total)

-Parts of a sewing machine tutorial (22 min.)

Day 1 lesson:

-Watch the tutorial all the way through for basic understanding.

-Sit by a machine and find the parts on your machine as I am going over it in the tutorial. You can find a printout from the internet of the parts of the machine I will be going over. This may help learn them.

-How to thread and wind a bobbin tutorial (13 min.)

Day 2 lesson:

-Watch the tutorial all the way through for basic understanding. -Play the tutorial again while sitting at your machine and pause it while threading it yourself. Repeat while learning how to wind a bobbin. Make sure you are following the correct instructions for your type of bobbin (case or top drop).

-Practice the threading several times.

-Stitching Techniques on your sewing machine tutorial (15 min.)

Day 3 & 4 lesson:

-Watch the tutorial for basic understanding

-Take a piece of paper and begin the project as outlined in the tutorial, make sure to practice stitching without thread in this beginning stage.

-Next activity, use scrap fabric cut in a rectangle for practice of seam allowance and straight stitching. It is important to cut these scraps in straight lines for success in following an edge and seam allowance lines, as described in the tutorial.

-Keep repeating this step until you feel comfortable stitching straight and your eye following a seam allowance line.

Entry Level Sewing Project (5-day project)

Directional Fabric Tutorial Day (located in Design Level) (5 min.)

Day 1 lesson:

-Watch the tutorial for understanding.

-Look at different fabrics you have on hand and see if you can tell what is directional and what is not.

Baby/Lap Blanket Tutorial Project (located in Construction level) (20 min)

Day 1 lesson continued.

-Watch the tutorial for an understanding of the project prior to beginning.

Day 2

-Select fabrics and cut out blankets

Day 3 & 4

-Construction of blanket following tutorials ( show tutorials and pause as needed)

Day 5

-Turn the blanket right side out and use finishing techniques and final pressing. Follow the video for instructions.

Resource Book Project - Hand Stitches (7 or 8 days project - all tutorials are located in the construction level under Hand Stitches)

Day 1 & Day 2 (3 days if needed) lesson: Prepping

-One three-ring binder (1 ½” to 2” thick)

-Card stock paper

-Sharpie of contrasting color to title your card stock

-Use one of your pieces of cardstock to make a title page or cover.

It can be titled with your name and “Techniques Notebook”

-Fabric samples for Hand Stitches

Cut 4 pieces of a solid fabric 4” X 4”

-For 2 of the pieces: finish one edge by serging, if possible, if not, turn under ¼” and press. Next press up for a 1” hem and pin, ready for hand stitches. These will be used for the Blind Hem Stitch, Catch Stitch.

-For one of the 4”x4” pieces, fold in half and press. This will be used for the Blanket Stitch.

-For one of the “4 x 4” pieces fold in half and fold in half again for a 2” square. This will be used for your Button sample.

-For the last sample (#5) cut two pieces of fabric at about a 4” X 4” square.

-With right sides together stitch (using a ¼” seam allowance) two sides together that are opposite on the fabric square. Turn right sides out and press. For the sides that are left open, turn them under ¼” to the inside to prepare for hand-stitching them closed. See the tutorial of the slip stitch and whip stitch for this fabric swatch. This will be for a Slip Stitch on one side and Whip Stitch on the other side.

Day 3 Lesson -Slip Stitch and Whip Stitch Tutorial (6.33 min.)

-Watch the tutorial for basic understanding.

- Take your 4” square and on one of the open sides, practice the Slip Stitch. Watch the tutorial and pause it as needed while stitching closed the entire one side.

-On the other open side of the 4” square, practice stitching the Whip Stitch. Watch the tutorial and pause it as needed while stitching closed the entire one side.

-Place on the card stock and staple. Title your page and 3 hole punch to put in your techniques book.

Day 4 Lesson -Blind Hem Stitch Tutorial (5:15 min.)

-Watch the tutorial for basic understanding.

-Take one of your samples pinned ready for a hem. Watch the tutorial and pause it as needed while stitching.

-When finished place on card stock and staple. Title your page and 3 hole punch and put it in your techniques book.

Day 5 Lesson -Catch Stitch Tutorial (3.29 min.)

-Watch the tutorial for basic understanding.

-Take one of your samples pinned ready for a hem. Watch the tutorial and pause it as needed while stitching.

-When finished place on card stock and staple. Title your page and 3 hole punch and put it in your techniques book.

Day 6 Lesson -Blanket Stitch Tutorial (3 min.)

-Watch the tutorial for basic understanding.

-Take your 4” sample that was folded in half. Watch the tutorial and pause it as needed while stitching.

-When finished place on card stock and staple. Tile your page and 3 hole punch and put in your techniques book.

Day 7 Lesson -Sew on a Button Tutorial (5 min.)

-Watch the tutorial for basic understanding.

-Take your sample that you folded into a 2” square. Watch tutorial and pause as needed while stitching.

-When finished place on card stock and staple. Title your page and 3 hole punch and put it in your techniques book.

Resource Book Project Continued - Seam Finishes (8 days project)

Day 1 Lesson (All seam finish tutorials are located in the Construction Level)

-Watch Seam Finishes Introduction for the explanation (11 min.)

-Prep card stock - 6 pages

-Using solid fabric, cut 12 pieces at 3” X 6”

-Put all finished samples in your book.

Day 2 Lesson - Prepping

-With the right sides together, sew two pieces together with a ⅝” seam allowance. Follow this technique for 4 samples. For the final two samples leave the cut samples to be used following the technique in the tutorials.

Day 3 Lesson - French Seam Finish

-Watch the tutorial for understanding of the project prior to beginning.

-Get two cuts of fabric that are not yet sewn. Follow the video tutorial for instructions.

Day 4 Lesson - Flat Felled Seam Finish

-Watch the tutorial for understanding of the project prior to beginning.

-Use a set of samples already sewn. Follow the video tutorial for instructions.

Day 5 Lesson - Lapped Seam Finish

-Watch the tutorial for understanding of the project prior to beginning.

-Use a set of samples already sewn. Follow the video tutorial for instructions.

Day 6 Lesson - Hong Kong Seam Finish

-Watch the tutorial for understanding of the project prior to beginning.

-Use a set of samples already sewn. Follow the video tutorial for instructions.

Day 7 Lesson - Lapped Seam Finish

-Watch the tutorial for understanding of the project prior to beginning.

-Get two cuts of fabric that are not yet sewn Follow the video tutorial for instructions.

Day 8 Lesson - Overlock Seam Finish

-Watch the tutorial for understanding of the project prior to beginning.

-Get two cuts of fabric that are not yet sewn. Follow the video tutorial for instructions.

Level 2 Project - 4-Square Handbag (8 days project)

-Located in the Construction Level Tab (video 1 hour) Days of the project will vary with skill level and the number of students.

-Written pattern using colored close photos and detailed instructions. Industry terminology throughout the pattern to get students used to the correct terminology. Located in the “Shop” section of the website.

-Coming soon… “4-Square Handbag Kits” to help with your individual projects or a group. Check back on the “Shop” section.

Day 1 Lesson

-Watch the tutorial for understanding of the project prior to beginning.

Day 2 Lesson

-Design day. Selection of fabrics and creating your plan for the order of the design. Follow tutorial and pattern instructions for designing your handbag. This is the fun part!!

Day 3 through Day 8 Lesson

-Follow all steps for construction on the written pattern and video tutorial. Watch the video and pause as needed.

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